Have you ever talked to a Christian who says they’re pro-life but they’re for, or at least okay with, the “exceptions”? These exceptions are almost always included with any pro-life legislation: abortion is okay in cases of rape, incest, or when the life of the mother is at risk.
With the election looming next week, abortion has been increasingly in the news, and while many Christians understand the evil of abortion, they struggle with the “exceptions.” How should Christians think about these tragic cases?
Andy Stanley: “You Only Have to Believe in Two Miracles to Be a Christian”
Pastor Andy Stanley is in the headlines once again for a sermon he recently preached at his church. He began a new series with the question, “Do you have to believe in miracles to be a Christian?” His answer? Yes, but only two foundational miracles—“the miracle of the universe” and “the miracle of the resurrection.”
Clearly, he’s trying to market Christianity to seekers and doubters by lowering the threshold for belief. But we don’t observe anyone in Scripture using Stanley’s “bare bones” method for evangelism because it’s not biblical. We’re never told to water down the gospel and Christianity to try to make it an easier pill to swallow. In fact, we’re told that Christianity will be, by its very nature, a hard pill to swallow because it looks weak and foolish to the world!
Come explore firsthand one of the most powerful events in the modern history of the United States—the eruption of Mount St. Helens. We have assembled a team of experienced guides and speakers to help us understand the eruption that occurred on May 18, 1980, and the geologic and environmental effects that followed.
Answers in Genesis speakers along with Dr. Steve Austin (geologist), Dr. Keith Swenson (forest ecologist), Bill Hoesch (Director of Mount St. Helens Creation Center), John Hergenrather, Eric Hovind (Creation Today), and Edward Isaacs (geologist) will be our guides on four days of exciting adventures. They will help us look at the evidence that reveals rapid catastrophic power and how we might consider a powerful Creator and his purpose.
A new study from Barna found a shocking 54% of “practicing Christians” admit to viewing pornography—that’s a mere 14% difference from non-Christians (68%).